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资源 19@6x.png


资源 1@5x.png

Cities are a mixed time pedigree, and each city has its unique timeliness. The city's different time dimensions are just like different characters with different personalities, which are exposed in the urban space, and together they interpret the rich bridges. Clausius used "entropy" to measure the unidirectional irreversibility of heat to describe the flow of time, and Einstein's theory of relativity compared human beings to "worms" in time.


When based on the city system, what defines the time of a city? How do we perceive the time in the city? And do we exist in time, or time exists in us?

“The Trashcan Project”

A series of black and white images taken by a pinhole camera modified from a trash can.


资源 1@3x.png
资源 3@3x.png
资源 4@3x.png
资源 2@3x.png
资源 5@5x.png
资源 6@5x.png
资源 8@5x.png
资源 7@5x.png

The city's different time dimensions are just like different characters with different personalities, which are exposed in the urban space, and together they interpret the rich bridges. Based on the city system, if the traditional time counting method is broken, how to perceive a city's time?

资源 9@5x.png
资源 10@6x.png

Collect relevant sounds from the city of Shanghai on a 24-hour timeline.

Create an immersive space by projecting sound and video.


资源 11@5x.png
资源 13@5x.png
资源 12@5x.png
资源 14@6x.png
资源 15@6x.png
资源 17@6x.png
资源 18@6x.png
资源 3@6x.png
资源 16@5x.png
资源 2@6x.png
资源 4@6x.png
资源 5@6x.png
资源 8@6x.png

Mappig Test 

资源 9@6x.png
资源 10@6x.png
资源 11@6x.png
资源 14@4x.png



资源 6@6x.png
资源 7@6x.png


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